⏮ I need a reset ⏮

Jasmine Tong
2 min readMar 2, 2021


This post is kinda just a profile breaker for the articles on my page. Spotlight effect much? Maybe. But the reason for doing so is so personal, and is something I want to jot down anyways. If you’re not interested, feel free to move along 😃.

The difference I feel mentally and emotionally from the 2 years ago that I started this page is immense. Not just because the world gotten into a pandemic; I was climbing myself out of one as well.

Not literally. Mentally.

The 17-year old me ridden with anxieties, imposter syndrome, perfectionism, and an insatiable desire to never fail has learned a little more about life. Left a few toxic places… did a few shitty things… learned from them… and ultimately, has grown.

I’m 19 now…. and being that age doesn’t mean i’m any less anxious, understanding of my successes, or fearless of failure… but my experience does. Here, I’ll be jotting down my notes and new thoughts I have about how I do, or want to, tackle things. It’s a practicing ground for my stretching own voice…a small niche in the world wide web where I can pretend it’s just for me, but also hold myself accountable with the very public-ness of posting.

I had thought about making a new account to sort of ignore the person I was before (thought about is a bit of an understatement, I did make a new account) but writing my name into that new account felt incorrect. It felt as though I was presenting myself as built anew. Life isn’t as simple as “you are sombody, you go through some shit, come out an entirely new person”. It’s an entire process. It’s a growth and a building upon of the person you were before. So, here I am embracing what feels like an embarrassing part of my past, looking at her good in the eyes, and saying:

💪 hey, lets do this together ☺️ *walks into a sunset aesthetically with only good vibes…for now ✨🌆😉



Jasmine Tong

I write about things I want to keep note of or feel strongly about. I can’t promise the knowledge of an expert, but I can promise something to think about.